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FI Impact Investing 2024

March 28, 2024
Zurich, Suiza

Philanthropy is changing. Originally distinct from the field of investments, there is now an approximation of different concepts across the continuum of capital, and foundations have started to explore new ways of deploying their funds. Engaged grant-making, patient capital or blended finance mechanisms in the early stages are all examples that can turn into powerful catalytic capital for long-lasting social impact. Social Nest Foundation, FUNDES Catalyst and elea join forces and partner for a Fi Gathering focused on the paradigm shift within philanthropic capital.

We will showcase examples and learnings from the field, offer a panel discussion with experienced practitioners on the application of catalytic capital, and facilitate active networking to introduce traditional philanthropic donors to the rising field of investing for impact with a focus on Latin America. Gathering's goals:_Inspire traditional donors as to the power of investing for impact in order to achieve long-term and scalable impact and present them with the newest developments and insights._Introduce grant funding and other innovative financial instruments as catalytic capital for early stage social ventures through highlighting leading examples._Open up conversations around current challenges and opportunities as well as early experiences of donors with venture philanthropy and catalytic capital in countries in developing markets._Foster connections between donors, impact investors, funds, social impact ventures and networks with a focus on the Global South through meaningful and engaging discussions.

Fi Gathering Zurich is an in person (it will not be live-streamed), by invitation only event, and invitations are non-transferable. If you wish to attend this gathering and don't have an invitation from our team or one of our partners, you can apply for a ticket (free of cost). Your application will be reviewed by our team, which will send you the instructions to register once accepted.

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